2023-10-13 04:25:20
EKA University of Applied Sciences (Latvia, Europe)

ЯАГААД EKA ИХ СУРГУУЛЬ ГЭЖ? ЭЛСЭЛТИЙН ШААРДЛАГА  CУРАЛЦАХ ЧИГЛЭЛҮҮД Тус их сургууль нь англи хэл дээр бакалавр, магистрын сургалтыг санал болгож, боломжийн үнээр, хамгийн сайн чанарын боловсрол эзэмших боломжийг олгодог. Бакалаврын зэрэг (3 жил, 1 жилд 2,700 евро): Мэдээллийн технологи (програмчлал)- 4 жил Магистрын зэрэг (2 жил, 1 жилд 2,800…

2023-10-09 07:07:43
Australian visa

When applying for an Australian visa, showing an English language score is an advantage that directly increases the visa yield by 10-15%. It shows that the student wants to learn and is well prepared. Curtin University, Perth is pleased to announce that it is offering a Language Prep Scholarship +…

2023-10-09 07:06:34
Let’s study in Australia, another new direction and a new school.

Let’s study in Australia, another new direction and a new school. Very interesting conditions are offered, so please familiarize yourself with the information. We have placed the first 7 students on visas, and we have started registering students for further studies in this field. Location: Auckland, Wellington, New Zealand Introducing…

2023-10-06 01:35:20
Let’s meet in live meeting