La Sapienza University

Сургуулийн танилцуулга

1303 онд байгуулагдсан бөгөөд дэлхийн хамгийн эртний их сургуулиудын нэг бөгөөд 122,000 оюутантай, элсэгчдээрээ Европ дахь хамгийн том их сургууль юм. Хэмжээ, санхүүжилт, олон тооны лаборатори, номын сангуудаас шалтгаалан Сапиенза нь Өмнөд Европын томоохон боловсрол, судалгааны төв юм.

Сапиенза нь олон тооны нэр хүндтэй төгсөгчдийг төгсгөсөн бөгөөд үүнд Нобелийн шагналтнууд, Европын парламентын ерөнхийлөгчид болон Европын комиссын гишүүд, хэд хэдэн үндэстний тэргүүнүүд, нэр хүндтэй шашны зүтгэлтнүүд, эрдэмтэд, сансрын нисэгчид багтжээ. 2018 оны 9-р сард QS World University жагсаалтаар төгсөгчдийн хөдөлмөр эрхлэлтээрээ шилдэг 100-д багтаж, 2022 2023 онд ARWU-ийн дагуу Италийн шилдэг их сургуулиар шалгарсан.


Дэлгэрэнгүй мэдээлэл

Элсэлтийн мэдээлэл

#125 in Best Global Universities

#134 in QS World University Rankings

#151-200 in QS WUR Ranking By Subject

Сургуулийн өөрийн веб сайтаас дэлгэрэнгүй мэдээлэл авах боломжтой.

Scholarships for international students and Italian student living abroad

Зардал ба хугацаа

Мэргэжлийн хөтөлбөр

  • Bachelor of Applied Computer Science and Artificial inteligence
  • Bachelor of Global Humanites
  • Bachelor of Classics
  • Bachelor of Nursing
  • Bachelor of Bioinformatics
  • Bachelor of Molecular Biology, Medicinal Chemistry and Computer Science
  • Bachelor of Sustainable Building Engineering- RIETI CAMPUS
  • Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery (6 years)
  • Bachelor of  Dentistry and Dental Prosthodontics (6 years)
  • Master of Architecture -Urban Regeneration

  • Master of Architecture (Conservation)

  • Master of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics

  • Master of Atmospheric Science and Technology

  • Master of Archaeological Materials Science

  • Master of Biochemistry

  • Master of Business Management

  • Master of Chemical Engineering

  • Master of Clinical Psychosexolog

  • Master of Classical Archeology

  • Master of Cognitive Forensic Sciences

  • Master of Cognitive Neuroscience

  • Master of Cultural Heritage in the Near and Middle Easr and in Africa

  • Master of Computer Science

  • Master of Control Engineering

  • Master of Data Science

  • Master of Design, Multimedia and Visual Communicatio

  • Master of Development and International Cooperation Sciences – Economics for Development

  • Master of Economics

  • Master of Economics and Communication for Management and Innovation

  • Master of Electrical Engineering

  • Master of Electronics Engineering

  • Master of Energy Engineering

  • Master of Engineering in Computer Science

  • Master of Environmental Engineering for Climate Change

  • Master of Environmental and Sustainable Building Engineering

  • Master of European Studies

  • Master of Fashion science
  • Master of Finance and Insurance
  • Master of Genetics and Molecular Biology
  • Master of Green Industrial Engineering for Sustainable Development
  • Master of Health Economics
  • Master of Landscape Architecture
  • Master of Mediterranean Archaelogy
  • Master of Management Engineering
  • Master of Mechanical Engineering
  • Master of Environmental Engineering for Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation
  • Master of Environmental and Sustainable Building Engineering- RIETI CAMPUS
  • Master of Nanotechnology Engineering

  • Master of Physics- tracsks (Particle and Astroparticle Physics; Condensed Matter Physics; Biophysics; General Theory)
  • Master of Product Design and Service Design
  • Master of Safety and Civil Protection Engineering
  • Master of Statistical Methods and Applications
  • Master of Science and Technology for the Conversation of Cultural Heritage
  • Master of Space and Astronautical Engineeering
  • Master of Sustainable Transportation and Electrical Power Systems
  • Master of Transport Systems Engineering